Sequencing of recommended projects/activities for Phase I and II of the Transition years

Phase I Phase II

Economy and  Basic agricultural assistance to  Accelerated provision of agricultural
Livelihoods farmers and fishers (sep. women) to services and goods to farmers and fishers

ensure food security

Analytical and feasability studies to Implementation of the

promote agri-business investments  recommendations of 

that generate jobs analytical/feasability studies

Infrastructure Infrastructure along key Complete key infrastructure projects

value chains to improve economic started in Phase I

growth and productivity, Implement infrastructure projects

imrpove delivery of basic education with completed feasability and 

and health services, etc. detailed engineering studies

Key energy projects

Conduct feasability and detailed 

engineering studies of strategic 

infrastructure projects

Social Strengthen provision of basic health Accelerated provision of basic

services (immunization, nutrition, education, health services and 

maternal care, mobile clinics, etc,…) sanitation

Improve basic education (madrasah, 

adult education, IP education, OSY

origrams, sholarship)

Continued/Intensified CCT % CDD


Analytical studies in support of long-

term improvement of social servies


Environment and  Implement sustainable forest Accelerated implementation of 
Natural Resources management and reforestation, reef activities in conservation and 

and mangrove rehabilitation rehabilitation

projects in selected sites, recruit  Forest and sea guards are fully 

forest and sea guards, etc. mobilized and equipped to perform 

Conduct capacity-building training their duties

programs on DRRM in selected Implement institutional

communities arrangement and measures critical

for a successful DRRM response in

the selected communities

Culture and Identity Contstruct public museum, libraries Full operation of public meuseums,

and historical markers, and  libraries, Language/Culture Center,

Bangsamoro public cemeteries etc. started in Phase I

Establish Bangsamoro Language/Culture Continued support for youth

Center and Da'wah centers leadership training, interfaith

Provide financing for youth and  activities and similar peace efforts

interfaith activities, and grants for

textbook development to promote

a shared understanding of the 

Bangsamoro struggle

Develop result based monitoring  Institute RBM&E into the government

and evaluation (RBM&E) system system and implement it

Establish TA facility for the Bangsamoro, Continued implementation of capacity

capacity building of senior/mid-level buidling prgorams for new BPE senior 

officials of BTA transition team and mid-level officials and communities

Establish satellite offices of key Satellite offices operational

national government agencies Implement findings and recommendation

in the island provinces particularly of analytical and feasability studies

Tawi-Tawi undertaken in Phase I

Governance, Justice and  CSO capcaity-building program on 
Security monitoring service delivery in the 

Bangsamoro, Bangsamoro Open Data

Portal, regular polling on justice, security

and jobs

Judicial capacity-building program for

judges and lawyers, increase access

to legal aid for the poor

Strengthen mediation capacity of

community level justice ssytem 

(especially on land conflict)

Analytical studies to improve good 

governance, justice delivery and 


Courtesy : BDP Core Planning Team

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