Guiding Principles For Bangsamoro Development Framework

The Bangsamoro Development Plan is anchored in the Bangsamoro Development Framework based on the BDA (Bangsamoro Development Agency) core values with the dual objectives of sustainable human development and peace building. In line with the principles of implementation of the CAB (Comprehensive Agreement of the Bangsamoro), which commit the parties to "acknowledge the identity and legitimate grievances of the Bangsamoro" while affirming the individual rights of all individuals in the community, the BDP is formulated through wide participation in all processes. Through this, the Bangsamoro political entity will protect both individual and collective rights while representing the diversity of the Bangsamoro population in truly democratic manner and enshrining community-based accountability.

In order to achieve these guiding principle, the Bangsamoro Development Plan is informed by four major considerations:

  • Anchored in the Bangsamoro Development Framework
  • Inclusive and respectful of the cultural diversity of the Bangsamoro as enshrined in the CAB
  • Informed by views from Bangsamoro communities both across the potential Bangsamoro Core Territory and the adjacent expansion area; 
  • Aligned with relevant national and regional development plans.
The BDP is, therefore, based on the technical recommendations of thematic experts, validated at the ground  level, and complemented by Community Visioning Exercises to define the vision, needs and aspiration and sources of dissaticsfaction across the Bangsamoro.

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