Overall Goal of the Bangsamoro Development Plan

The immediate objective of the BDP is to provide a short and medium-term vision and strategy for the recovery and development of the Bangsamoro based on the unique needs of the Bangsamoro, anchored on the importance of building a peaceful and prosperous society emerging from long years of conflict. The BDP will build the foundations of a functioning "just economy" that will strengthen institutions and promote equal access to economic opportunities, citizen security, and justice to shifting the economy towards production that improves overall welfare, promoting inclusive sustainable growth, ensuring a more transparent and accountable distribution of public funds, and establishing a peaceful and stable society, the BDP will help the Bangsamoro break the vicious cycle of injustice, insecurity and underdevelopment, fostering a virtuous cycle where poverty reduction can take hold.


The Bangsamoro Development Plan must approach these challenges from an integrated approach of  transforming the institutions  of the state and restoring  confidence amongst citizens to build a society that is resilient to external stresses.

  • Investment of Social Justice. Specifically, in areas of high absolute poverty but low poverty incidence, interventions should be tailored to target those most in need.
  • Support to Economic Growth and Production. In areas of high poverty incidence  but low absolute poverty, programs need to provide the opportunities for integrated growth that benefits the whole community.
  • Support to conflict and environmentally vulnerable areas. Finally, in areas prone to conflict and/or environmental shocks, programs must be tailored to address past or current injustice while building a socially cohesive resilient community.
To maximize the benefits, build synergies across the region, and foster a strong common growth objective, interventions will further be designed to ensure points of geographic convergence across sectoral interventions. With a strong complementary institutional reform and strengthening program, the BDP will help lift the Bangsamoro to higher sustained growth in the medium and long-term.

Potential Impact

The reduction in violence in ARMM in recent years, combined with governance reforms instituted by the ARMM Regional Government and increased investment from the Central Government, development partners and the private sector, resulted in growth of 3.6% in 2013. In the short-term, through the transition to the Bangsamoro, the BDP must, at minimum, sustain these gains. Delivering annual average growth of 3.6% between 2014-2016 would increase real per capita GDP in ARMM by 2.1% annually, from P14,566 in 2013 to P15,521 in 2016 (P36,350 in current prices)

Higher government spending during the transition years (2015-2016) could result in 2-6% growth per year, on average, the higher end of which is at a similar level with the national economic growth. On top of the approved GAA for ARMM in 2015, BBL, when ratified, will add P3.7 billion in 2015, increasing the allotment to P27 billion from P21 billion in 2013. This will reach to P43 billion in 2016 when the block grant kicks in addition to the special development fund of P7 billion provided fir in the BBL. Targeted spending towards activities and programs that accrues to the local economy, particularly in terms of inducing local employment, would imply additional household purchasing power that could fuel further economic activity.

Meanwhile, building a just economy in the Bangsamoro through the targeted interventions identified in this plan, will deliver the necessary conditions for the Bangsamoro to move to a higher growth path, similar to that observed in MIndanao and the rest of the country in recent years. An average annual growth rate of 6% between 2017-2022 would increase real per capita GDP in the new Bangsamoro region by 4.5% annually to P20,241 in 2022 (P62,825 in current prices) and significantly help to lift communities out of poverty. Sustained economic growth could reduce poverty incidence to 43.2% in 2022 from 55.8% in 2012, equivalent to graduating around 40,000 households out of poverty. The figure below describes these potential growth paths and their potential impact on economic performance and welfare in the Bangsamoro. While this is a significant step forward, more needs to be done to address the severity of poverty and significantly improve the well being of the people in the Bangsamoro.

Below shows the sequencing of projects/activities envisaged during the transition years of Phase 1 and into the new Bangsamoro Government in Phase II. In general, projects and programs are prioritized om the basis of their ability to restore confidence in the peace process and build "inclusive enough coalitions" to support reform. Programs that generate jobs and employment will be a top priority. Those that open access to culturally important initiatives such as Islamic financing, halal industry development, support for madaris and cultural activities to record and celebrate the rich history of the Bangsamoro people will also be prioritized in the initial period. Finally, the Bangsamoro will embark on programs that will put the region on track to build legitimate institutions - those with technical capacity and accountability - that will sutain the gains of the FAB and CAB.

Courtesy : National Statistical Commission Board

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