Cross-Validation of Consolidated Outputs

Cross-Validation of Consolidated Outputs

Though representative of the geographical and ethnic diversity of the Bangsamoro, due to time constraints, the CVE process was only able to cover a sample of the proposed territory and population. Cross-validation and comparison with parallel and past process was, therefore, conducted to ensure the CVE results are in the with the views expressed by a broader constituency of stakeholders and potential beneficiaries of the BDP.

1. Community Consultation on the Bangsamoro Basic Law

 The Bangsamoro Transition Commission (BTC), in line with its mandate to draft an inclusive Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) conducted an extensive series of community consultations. Through a partnership with the Mindanao Civil Society Organizations Platform for Peace (MCSOPP), more than 120 community consultation sessions have been held across the potential core territory and expansion areas.
In drafting the BDP, the BDA coordinated with MCSOPP to draw on data gathered in the consultations. While the consultations on the BBL focused primarily on political, legal and institutional concerns, the issues identified by the population through the MCSOPP process, and suggested remedies, match those of the CVE exercise closely. This includes the major themes of security, governance, and social services, livelihoods and environment.

2. Alignment with Previous Regional Analysis of Development Priorities

Seveal ODA partners have conducted detailed analysis of the needs and priorities of the Bangsamoro people, based on community consultations across the ARMM and in potential expansion areas. Through a desk review, the BDA was able to confirm the close alignment of the aspirations, needs and priorities identified by the CVE with those described in previous studies.

The results of these studies provide a regular polling of the issues, aspirations and priorities of Bangsamoro communities over the past decade and reinforce the continued under-development experienced in the region through time. The alignment of the results of the MCSOPP-led consultations on the BBL with earlier socioeconomic assessment and development plans as well as the CVE results, confirm that the CVEs provide a sound basis to guide the priorities of the BDP.

courtesy: The Violent COnflict and Displacement in Central Mindanao

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