Core Values and Approach (Bangsamoro Development Plan)

In delivering these mutually reinforcing peacebuilding and SHD framework, the Bangsamoro Development Plan is guided by core values that inform the approach to all interventions namely:

  1. Vicegerency - This akin to "Stewardship" in the Christian faith. Man according to the teaching of Islam, is the representative and vicegerent of the Almighty in earth. This world is a trust and man is its trustee. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said: "Al of you are shepherds and all of you are responsible for their herds: the leader is a shepherd and is responsible for his subjects..."
  2. Transparency - In accordance with the Philippine Constitution the Bangsamoro will adopt "full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest" and guarantee "the right if the people to information on matters of public concern." This is also enshrined in Islam, where Muslim leaders believe that Allah knows what is in his mind (i.e. Allah said," ... And I know what you reveal and what you concealed.")
  3. Piety - God-consciousness consists in a practical manifestation of one's faith in one's daily life, which means desisting  from everything that is forbidden or disapproved of. Man must be in a state of readiness to undertake all that is commanded and observe the distinctions between lawful and unlawful, right and wrong, and good and bad in life.
  4. Trustworthiness - Since every man occupies a position of trust is a vicegerent, this is a virtue that every man should possess and practice. All believers will be questioned in the life hereafter how they kept their trust. 
  5. Justice - Justice refers to equality in giving rights and in abiding by obligations without discrimination for any reason, either for religion, race, color, etc. Social justice means giving each individual what he or she deserves, the distribution of financial benefits in the society, providing equality for basic needs. It also ensures equal opportunities for people so that each person has a chance to improve himself and his overall welfare.
  6. Inclusiveness - No section of society shall be left out based on the assumption that only an inclusive peace will end the conflict. Inclusiveness is enshrined in Islam as a way of life, in al times and places of all people.
  7. Excellence - This signifies that man has attained highest excellence in words, deeds and thoughts, by identifying his will with the will of the Almighty and harmonizing it, to the best of his knowledge ability, with Divine will.
  8. Accountability - Accountability here not only means accountability to the people, in accordance with the constitutional provision that "Public office is a public trust, and all public officers and employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives", but also accountable to the Almighty, for "Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due..."

The importance of these values and principles of governance cannot be overemphasized under the Bangsamoo Development Framework since governance and human development are indivisible. The soundness of governance depends on whether it sustains human development, while an educated, healthy and prosperous society will in return sustain good governance. These values and principles are not only embedded in all the human development areas but also in all the components of peacebuilding.

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